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Gut Healing Herb Potato Salad Recipe

Updated: Aug 26

potato salad

This herb potato salad is the perfect summer meal prep recipe that tastes delicious and is a great source of resistant starch to support your guts beneficial bacteria!

Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that resists digestion in the small intestine and arrives at at the large intestine where it ferments and acts as a prebiotic feeding the guts beneficial bacteria. This fermentation also produces short-chain fatty acids that nourish the cells that line the colon, reduce inflammation, and support overall digestive health.


The Salad

  • 500g baby potatoes

  • 4 eggs

  • 3/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped

  • 1/3 cup fresh dill, chopped

  • 3 celery stalks

  • 10 mint leaves, chopped

  • 1-2 pickles (I prefer using naturally fermented pickles are a rich source of probiotics - these pickles do not contain vinegar and are kept in the refrigerator at the grocery store)

The Dressing

  • 5 tbsp olive oil

  • 4 tbsp dijon mustard

  • 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • pinch of salt


  1. Add salt to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Add in potatoes and cook for roughly 10-12 minutes (you don't want the potatoes to be too over done. When they are done a knife should go through them easily but not break the potato).

  2. Add 4 eggs to boiling water and leave for 8 minutes until hard boiled.

  3. In a small bowl add mustard, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and salt and mix until combined.

  4. Once the potatoes have slightly cooled (you want them to still be a little warm, this will help them absorb the dressing) cut into 1/4 or half's and add to a bowl.

  5. Chop parsley, dill, celery, eggs & pickles and add to the potatoes.

  6. Top with dressing and mix until coated

  7. Store in the fridge for up to 4 days.

Enjoy! ✌🏻

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