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Why Am I Bloated? Uncover The Truth Behind What's Making You Bloated

Updated: Jul 23

If you’ve ever googled “why am I bloated” you know that there are endless possibilities for what’s causing your bloat that it seems impossible to narrow down which one is actually making you bloated

Although bloating seems like a universal symptom that a lot of people experience, there are actually different types of bloating and depending on which one you identify with the most, it can tell you a lot about what’s going on in your gut. 

In this blog post I am going to go over the different types of bloating to help point you in the right direction and get started on the right foot when it comes to healing your gut. The Bloat Quiz is another great way to start your gut healing journey and narrow down what could be causing your symptoms.

Where are you bloated?

The location of you’re bloated tells you a lot about what’s going on in your gut and where certain imbalances may be. Do your best to pinpoint which description best relates to the symptoms you’re experiencing. 

Bloating in the Lower Abdomen

This is the most common location of bloating that I see with my clients and is usually associated with other symptoms like constipation and/or irregular bowel movements. Just below the belly button is where your colon sits and bloating in this area typically points to dysbiosis, an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. Your colon houses trillions of bacteria that make up your gut microbiome and we need a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in order to have a healthy gut. Dysbiosis occurs when this balance is thrown off. You can have bacterial overgrowth (too many bad guys), yeast overgrowth (candida), parasites or depleted gut microflora (not enough good bacteria). In the Total Gut Reset program we use functional stool testing to get a clear picture of what your gut microbiome looks like so we know exactly how to fix it!

Digestion tip:


Improve detoxification

It's important to make sure you are eliminating waste on a daily basis, that means having at least one bowl movement everyday. Some ways to support proper bowel functions include: eating a fiber rich diet, hydration , daily movement & balancing your body's mineral content.

Why am I bloated in the lower abdomen

Bloating in the Middle/Upper Abdomen

Your middle abdomen is where your small intestine lives and bloating that is near or above the belly button is typically linked to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO). Your small intestine is meant to be a relatively clean environment with very little bacteria present, but if you have slow motility, low stomach acid production or damage to the ileocecal valve this can cause bacteria to flourish in the small intestine where it’s not supposed to be. Take the Bloat Quiz to see if SIBO may be contributing to your symptoms and get a personalized protocol to help you get started.

Digestion tip:


Avoid frequent snacking

Frequent snacking out-speeds your migrating motor complex (MMC) causing things to get backed up and food to sit in the digestive track longer then it should

Bloating near the belly button

Bloating in the Upper Left Abdomen 

Your upper right abdomen is home to your stomach and bloating or discomfort in this area is typically associated with digestive insufficiencies like low stomach acid. Your stomach acid is made up of hydrochloric acid (HCL) that helps break down your food into smaller particles so that it can enter into your small intestine to be digested. If your stomach acid levels are low your food doesn’t get broken down far enough so it’s forced to sit in your stomach where it starts to ferment and cause symptoms like bloating or a feeling like there is a brick in your stomach shortly after eating.

Digestion tip:


Increase stomach acid production:

Digestive bitters, morning lemon water, and apple cider vinegar diluted in water before eating are all natural ways to support stomach acid.

Bloating upper left abdomen

Bloating in the Upper Right Abdomen 

Your upper right abdomen is where your gallbladder lives and bloating or discomfort in this area may be linked to insufficient bile flow. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in your gallbladder to be squirted into your small intestine to help breakdown and digest fats. If you notice increased bloating, pain or cramping in your upper right abdomen (just below the ribcage) especially after having a fatty meal, this may mean that your bile flow needs a pick me up.

Digestion tip:


Consume bitter foods

bitter greens (arugula, kale, dandelion, mustard greens, radicchio), lemons, ginger, endives, artichoke, beet. You can also take a digestive bitters supplement before eating to help increase bile when eating. 

Bloating upper right abdomen

When are you bloated?

Are you someone that gets bloated shortly after eating? Or does your bloat progressively get worse throughout the day causing you to look like 6-months pregnant after you eat dinner? Or is it a little bit of both!

Identifying when you’re bloated is another great tool to help point you in the right direction to solving your gut issues. 

If you experience bloating shortly after eating (anywhere from 1 min-2 hours) this typically points to imbalances or insufficiencies in the upper GI. This can be caused by low stomach acid, poor bile flow, pancreatic insufficiency (low enzyme output), or SIBO. 

If you’re bloated 3+ hours after eating and it’s at it’s worst by the end of the day this is usually a sign of imbalances in the colon such as bacterial overgrowth, yeast overgrowth (candida), parasites or low beneficial bacteria. 

How the GI Map test can help heal your gut

It’s important to note that two people with the exact same set of symptoms can have two completely different things going on in their gut. That's why it's crucial to know exactly what’s going on in your microbiome so you know how to fix it. The GI Map test acts as a window into your gut showing you everything from bacterial overgrowth, candida levels, parasites, good bacteria and so much more! Take a deep dive into the GI Map Test and how it can help you on your healing journey.

Get the answers behind your gut issues. The GI Map Interpretation program gives you the answers to what's going on in your gut microbiome and provides a personalized mini protocol to target your symptoms and get you on the right path to healing your gut for good.

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